There are two kinds of liberal. One is the kind you mentioned. Well to do, sanctimonious, virtue signaling. What they care about is appearance. For example, they will fetishize black folks so that they can be perceived as anti-racist, but are uninterested in leveling the playing fields for everyone. The moment being anti-racist is not cool anymore, they will be off chasing the next moral high horse fad. They are in reality right wing conservative who also want to be perceived as left wing because Hollywood makes that seem cool. Identity politics is their favorite dish. But they won't talk about class, wealth disparity, or economic exploitation. These are the liberals who love Clinton (I'm with HER), and hate Bernie Sanders. Their agenda is quite simple: let's just make blacks honorary whites so we can go back to exploiting the Latino farm workers, the Asian factory workers, and the poor white blue collar workers while smelling like perfume.
And then there are the liberals who are Bernie supporters. These folks want to level the playing fields for everyone, regardless of race, creed, gender, sexuality, national origins, etc. Or., Not fetishizing race, sexuality, etc but to make such distinction irrelevant. These are the ones who really want to do something about wealth disparity, taxing the mega wealthy, Medicare for all, raising minimum wage, and fighting climate change, not just virtue signal about them. As a result, the corporate liberals and the GOP collaborate to brand them as the far left and communist. And the mass media follow their marching orders teaching the country to hate on Bernie and his supporters. By doing this, they hide the one option where we the 99% can come together to change the system.
We must not let them succeed. Know that the conservatives and the corporate liberals are secretly on the same team, that of the billionaires and giant corporations. They pretend to be red vs blue to split the 99% up into red vs blue and make us fight among ourselves. There's no red or blue. There's only the exploiters and the exploited.
The exploiters take from you and then tell you one of two things: you're poor because of immigrants and colored folks (the GOP), or you're poor because you're lazy and stupid (the corporate Dems). Neither will tell you the truth that you are poor because almost all the productivity gains since the mid 1970s went to the top 0.1%.
Until the exploited come together and focus on the real enemy, we will always be under their boots while watching their condescending smile.