The time for either/or thinking has passed. It is not either our fault or the giant corporations' fault because these oil companies need us buying and burning fossil fuel to produce that size carbon footprint. It is not either the mass media's fault or our fault because enough of us keep choosing to believe the disinformation in the face of science-based evidence. It is not either our fault or the corrupt politicians' fault that decades of talks and treaties were mere theater because we keep electing and demanding politicians who can raise our standards of living. No one is blameless. Playing the blame game now will only serve to make more people continue business as usual because it is not their fault nor responsibility.
When the climate shit hits the fan, it matters not whose fault it was.
What matters now is how many hands can be recruited on deck to avert the catastrophe. And Everyone must step up. Pointing fingers on the sideline doesn't cut it anymore. I don't think it ever did.