Absolutely agree that creating an economic system that works for everyone is the key to ending racism. And that's also the reason why identitarian politics is so pernicious. The one person who is truly dedicated to creating such a system is Bernie Sanders, and he is the target of many BLM activists who hate his message because that solution does not center the black race. You can find articles pushing that view right here on Medium.
Like the proverbial monk who as an initiate looked at a mountain and simply saw a mountain, then as a matured monk looked at the same mountain and no longer simply saw a mountain, then as a master looked at the mountain again and saw simply a mountain; consider the possibility that if as you claim Will's take is the first more naive stage, then your take on Kendi is at the second stage.
Kendi's reduction of racism to a black-white dynamics is a gross simplification. His equal outcome dictum is even worse but let's leave that aside for now. For example, I came to the US from Asia as an adult so don't have an American accent had had no clue about racism in this country in the beginning. I experienced way more racial antipathy towards me from blacks then from whites. I only realized much later that through the BLM lense I'm "white adjacent " and so they feel fully justified to act out what they would like to do to whites but couldn't on to people like me. In other words, centering blackness, even for the ostensible and expressed goal of racial equality, very quickly leads to the same racism perpetrated towards other groups of people who have even less cultural power than you.
The reality is that we all are more comfortable with people more like ourselves. That is not the problem. It is human nature. Just like fear, greed, etc together with love, respect, etc are all part of human nature. The problem is when you create economic, political, medical, educational, etc systems that systematically discriminate against certain groups of people. Or more generally when you create systems that systematically amplify hate and fear and suppress love and respect.
Identitarian politics is another such a system. Regardless of what it ostensibly says are its goals, its impact is more antipathy towards everyone: antipathy towards whites obviously, but also towards Asian, Latinos, and even other blacks who don't toe the line, or don't toe it to the satisfaction of its "thought leaders".